The funny thing about this disease is that doctors don’t know what to do to prevent this horrible thing. More than likely the reason for this is that there hasn’t been enough research and experiments done to figure out how to prevent and ultimately get rid of this disease.
The best way to prevent any disease or bodily malfunction is first to be positive. I truly believe that health begins in the mind. I haven’t been sick for almost 18 years. I believe it’s because I’m a positive and happy person. I don’t let my body take control of my mind but visa versa. My grandma went through a stage where she thought she was sick and she became really ill.
Another way to prevent disease is to exercise. Not only does help with depression, anger, etc. but it also helps to keep the body alert and tuned up. Exercising gives the body more energy to keep the immune system and the many other systems in our body working.
The last thing is to eat healthy. McDonald’s isn’t what America needs to be eating day in and day out. Eat some eggs in the morning or oatmeal. Have some chicken and vegetables in the afternoon and for dinner eat some shrimp. If you’re hungry don’t go for a donut or candy, go for some fruit, go for some yogurt or go for some peanuts. I believe that eating healthy can really impact one’s life. It’s amazing how not skipping meals helps one’s body.
Like I said it’s all mental. YOU GOTTA WANNA!!! You need to be able to turn away the sweets. It’s okay to splurge a little bit every once in a while but stick with a healthy lifestyle. I can honestly say that having a healthy lifestyle is just like the gospel of Jesus Christ. Reading the scriptures and praying every once in a while doesn’t do anything. You have to do it consistently to get anything out of it. The same can be said with healthy lifestyles. BRING IT!!!!
here to find some ways and things to do to enjoy a healthy lifestyle.